Submit Details for Malcure WAF360

Thank you for purchasing Malcure Web Application Firewall WAF360!

We need access to your hosting cPanel / FTP account and WordPress dashboard for setting up Malcure Web Application Firewall WAF360 for blocking malicious traffic in its tracks even before it reaches your site.

Please fill the following details:

    1. Submitter Details:

    2. WordPress Details:

    WordPress Admin Details:

    Test WordPress Login*

    3. Hosting Details:

    cPanel / Hosting Control Panel Details (we are specifically looking for MySQL and FTP details):

    Test CPanel Login*

    4. Terms & Conditions:

    I'm able to log in with the username and password that I have provided. I agree that I'll be charged $47 extra if the above credentials do not work

    I agree I'm responsible for my own backups. I have verified good backups and agree to proceed with malware removal service.