Submit Details for WordPress Security Audit Service

Thank you for purchasing our WordPress Security Audit Service!

We need access to your WordPress admin panel and hosting cPanel account for:

  • Basic overview of your website’s security
  • Complete review of your WordPress installation
  • Reviewing security of your database
  • Administrative security
  • Looking into hosting issues (if any)
  • Review website’s speed & performance

Please fill the following details:

    1. Submitter Details:

    2. WordPress Details:

    WordPress Admin Details:

    Test WordPress Login*

    3. Hosting Details:

    cPanel / Hosting Control Panel Details (we are specifically looking for MySQL and FTP details):

    Test CPanel Login*

    4. Terms & Conditions:

    I'm able to log in with the username and password that I have provided. I agree that I'll be charged $47 extra if the above credentials do not work

    I agree I'm responsible for my own backups. I have verified good backups and agree to proceed with malware removal service.